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Khalipha Mfundi Grades 1 to 3 – The Foundation Phase

The main skills in the First Additional Language curriculum are: Listening and speaking Reading and phonics Writing and handwriting

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Khalipha Mfundi Grades 4 to 6 – The Intermediate Phase

The main skills in the First Additional Language curriculum are: Listening and speaking Reading and viewing Writing and presenting

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Khalipha Mfundi Grades 7 to 9 – The Senior Phase

The First Additional Language curriculum is packaged according to the following skills: Listening and speaking (ukulalela nokukhuluma) Reading and viewing (ukufunda) Writing and presenting (ukubhala) Language structures and conventions

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Khalipha Mfundi Grades 10 to 12 – F.E.T.

The curriculum is organized according to the following skills, content and strategies: Listening and speaking (Ukulalela nokukhuluma) Reading and viewing (Ukufunda nokubukela) Writing and presenting (Ukubhala nokwethula) Language structures and conventions (Izakhiwo nezimiso zokusetshenziswa kolimi)

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