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Zulu Readers (High School)

I-Dayari yeNhlakanipho (Nhlakanipho’s Diary)

A reader suitable for grade 8 and 9 learners. Nhlakanipho is a typical 15 year old boy attending a suburbian school. His parents get divorced and to deal with his emotional turmoil his councillor advises him to keep a diary. Follow his thoughts and feelings as he overcomes his anger and teenage angst.This reader is … Continue reading »

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Inkom Edla Yodwa

Our latest High School Reader This story follows the life of Palesa as she navigates her new life in the coastal town of Ballito, KZN. When Palesa’s dad announces that they are moving to Durban for his new job she is devastated. She feels angry, nervous and sad all at the same time. How is … Continue reading »

Categories: Zulu Readers (High School) | Tags: | 4 Comments

Amaqhawe Ethu (South Africa Heroes)

Too often these days, South African children idolize international celebrities and sports stars. This collection of stories aims to promote South Africans that our youth can look up to, admire, respect and try to emulate. There are many many more everyday South African Heroes, but each of the 12 featured in this collection of short … Continue reading »

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